6th one-day one-day medical diagnostic-genetic genetics مهر ۱۳۹۸

6th one-day one-day medical diagnostic-genetic genetics

_POSTER 6th one-day one-day medical diagnostic-genetic genetics

6th one-day one-day medical diagnostic-genetic genetics In date 2019-10-03 by _COMMA آزمايشگاه تهران لب،پاتوبيولوژي،ژنتيك پزشكيآزمايشگاه ژنتيك بيمارستان كسري، آزمايشگاه پاتوبيولوژي و ژنتيك پزشكي شفا _DAR _CITY Tehran was held. please refer to the following link to download all the papers of conference proceedings: _PROCEEDINGS 6th one-day one-day medical diagnostic-genetic genetics

Accepted papers in 6th one-day one-day medical diagnostic-genetic genetics